Masterkey – Simple things in Life! Tue, 09 Feb 2021 04:41:40 +0000 en-US hourly 1 145329490 Getting to know you! Tue, 09 Feb 2021 04:41:26 +0000 In week 17 and a half, we are learning that you have to just get after the things you want in life, there is no perfect time. To go a step further you also need to protect yourself from outside influence and follow your heart! I was thinking the other day about language. I read a book about how your language can affect your everyday life, and its the fact that when we tell ourselves something over and over, it can become a self living prophesy. I can remember when I use to tell people, whatever! I realize now, that was a protection against what people would tell me. I hated for people to tell me what they knew, just because I have known for years, what you believe is what you are! I became very frustrated with this becoming successful gig. I thought I was to have money and then I would be happy. I thought that to have to marry the perfect woman then you will be happy. You have to drive a nice car to be happy! On and On and On. Well, the biggest thing I learned thru the years is, to get the perfect wife you have to become the person they would want to marry. To have money, you have to become the person who can handle finances. To be a race car driver you have to practice being a race car driver.

Now for the hard part. The biggest thing I have learned thru the MKE is that you have to love yourself, and for you to do that, you need to get to know you. Discover what you want and discover what makes you happy. Once you have that established like will take over and help you out in way you never imagined. At this point I am working on getting to know myself. The color code test is an excellent way to get to know yourself. It can help you to make the changes you need to improver everything around you because you will be able to communicate with others so much better.

I am also making strides to get my DMP where I want it. I have rewritten it so many times and at this point I have to throw it out because it still does not feel right.

Become the person that you would want yourself to be so not only can you be happy but people will see that happiness in all that you do.

Peace be the journey!


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Focus? What are you really thinking about?-Week17 Sun, 17 Jan 2021 04:02:49 +0000 Something needs to be said of todays world! Too many people focused on the wrong thing! What do I mean by that? People are focusing on what they don’t want, not what they do want! You can only focus on one thing at a time.

What do you think about when you get up in the morning. Put it down on paper. What do you think about when you are at work? Write it down! What do you think about when you get home? Write it down! What does the news focus on? Write that down as well!

When you are finished writing all of this down, just take a moment and reflect! look at what you are really focused on and it may just make you see your day in a whole new light! Was it all good? Was it all bad? Was it even? The whole point of this is to find out where you are at on your thinking? Are you thinking about what you do not want or what you do not want. Does that affect your everyday and maybe even giving you a sink whole that is growing everyday?

When I was 14 years old, my parents put me thru a seminar. Did it help? Oh yes. It made me see myself and my life in a different light! It gave me a different perspective. It made me think for myself! I hate to follow the crowd. Not because it may be good but because I see too many people struggle. They just live life as if everything is just going to work. Sorry to tell you, you have to be the one to make it work! Is there a lot of work that needs to be done to do this? Depends on you. Its called self directed thinking. I always went against the crowd and I know it was because they thought it was just easier. Not really! When you learn about your own body or how to take care of your vehicle or when you learn to take care of your finances, that is when your life evens out. You get balance because you are not scrambling to fix things everyday. It changes your life and everybody’s lives around you. When they say be the light, this is exactly what they mean. If you will note, dark cannot cancel out light, but light can cancel out darkness. I hear people all the time complaining about things around then and I even found myself acting exactly like that. Another thing is when you are humbled and thankful for what you have, and you focus on the gratefulness, you find more great things in your life.

Its time to wipe out the bad and start to refocus everything on the good. Learn to be happy now with anything you do.

Peace be the Journey!


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A Time for Change Fri, 18 Dec 2020 05:20:36 +0000 I have been attempting to get my Definite Major purpose setup, but its not like I never started. The thing about this year is that I am attempting to go way beyond myself. Learning the things I have has changed me in ways I never expected! I lost my job of over 20 years and that set me back, then I was out of work for 6 months and looking for a job this year was really intense! All I can tell you is, it was a real eye opener! I have been thru so many different jobs before I got the last one that I never really thought about what it took to train for each job. I just took it up and did the best I could. Now I am having a time trying to learn things that are way different from my last job. With that I have to tell you, when you train virtual and you are in no mans land it can really take some time to get hands on and really learn what you need to.

So here I am and what I discovered is that this Hero’s journey, well it is pretty important for all of us. My impression until this fall taking the MKE again was that it was life’s journey. Not so. When I lost my job, that was the end of that journey and here I am in a different tech position and it is really a whole new journey! Not even close to the same! Being on the journey I am at this point is really Hard, but I have to tell you I always heard, Don’t wish it was easier, wish you were better. The challenge I am having is getting the DMP where I can look at it and really know that is my true path! When I get that part figured out then I know miracles will happen!

As things happen for me, I was at the GNC today and talked to a guy in there and did not realize I had my name badge where he could see it. He started to tell me how he applied for NCR 4 months ago, about when I started and he use to work for them. He took a job just to keep his world from collapsing like a lot of us. It was really nice to see that there is someone fighting to get my job. I was lucky enough to land the job and go thru alot of training but I still have a tom to learn!

I am faced with a load at the moment so I have to get the DMP where I can really use it and it really inspires me. Have to go work on it. Thanks Lori and Lucinda for the work you put into finding my purpose workshop. I am using it to get where I want to be.



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Master Key Experience 2020 Week 12 and missing 8,9,10,11 What happened? Mon, 14 Dec 2020 05:16:11 +0000

To tell you the truth, I am still doing the exercises and the only reason I stopped blogging about things happening to me was not because they are not happening! I really did not stop anything. I came to the conclusion that my DMP was not working for me. Now keep this in mind. This is a journey, a look into you and your life. It is a time to reflect on who you are and who you want to be. To boot its about brining the old you in to sit down and meet the new you. I have done sits where I was starting to wonder why this was not working. Luckily they introduced an extra course with in the MKMME and is called finding your purpose. I thought I already knew but when they were asking for my secondary color, I was at a loss. Last year when in there I had issues with my email and luckily this year I changed that so I was more apt to get what I needed. So I went in and got my secondary color. My primary is Blue. So here I am thinking I am pretty blue. When I found out my secondary color I honestly got a little scared. Then I started to think about my parents and how they were so opposite. Well, my secondary is Red. Ouch! That really threw me. There are some bad conflicts and now I can see why I have been so conflicted all my life. Things just never added up! When I say that, there are traits that a Blue has that really conflict with red and visa versa! The amazing thing is that I am sorting that out and putting a plan together to put me on a better path! Now I understand myself at a whole new level. I am still working on it, and it is not easy, but I always keep my promises! I promised myself I would become what I was meant to in the first MKE and now I know there is not only hope but it will happen! Even though I do not know Mark and Davene on a personal level at this time, I can tell you they are making an impact in my life. I was also listening to one of the masterminds and one of the people telling their struggle so its always good to know I am not alone! I went in to a clinic on Friday with the flu so I have been under the weather this weekend and just drained so I am hitting it again in a day or 2 and get this done. I do know that people come into our lives to either improve them, or degrade them and at this point, I consider Mark and Davene a true blessing in my life! Do not give up on your self or your dreams. Before long I will be able to tell my story and I am hoping it impacts thousands of lives! I also want to thank Lori, GG and Lucinda as everything they have done is adding to my life as well!  As Markj says, May peace be the Journey!



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Master Key Experience 2020 Week 7-Follow your Bliss Sun, 15 Nov 2020 14:39:04 +0000

The mental diet? Sarcasm? Social media, daily routine? Yes its just like glitter but harder to clean up!

I found myself in such a negative place last night that I wanted to just puke! I was throwing out issues left and right. I am so frustrated with myself. I found that I have so much more to let go of! I realized this is more than just a little change. I opened up last night and really started seeing things differently!

This morning I am finding one of our cats, the one that hated everyone and would always growl when you picked her us, was following me everywhere. I see changes in me with her. She is like a shadow and wants to follow me everywhere. I have always loved animals but was just so nervous with them. I decided when we got the 2 cats that I would be nice. Well it has paid off and she just loves on me. She still howls when some people pick her up, but she just lets me grab her, flip her over and rub her belly in my arms. She just hangs out there. The reason I am telling you about this cat is simply that I am aware of her in ways I have never been aware of an animal. Animals always make me nervous because they make messes. This cat watches my every move. She is very smart. I had let her out about a month ago and so her and her sister went out. I closed the screen door and left for a bit. When I came back, here is this cat laying on the floor just cleaning herself and the door was cracked open just enough for her to fit thru. A couple of days later, there she was opening the screen door. This cat does not miss a trick.

On to the mental diet. This is not an easy task. I found myself just agreeing with someone about how someone was just like….. Man did I take a step back! I realized in the moment what I was doing and changed the subject. Isn’t it amazing how we just become like zombies in what we do, like bad habits that overtake us and keep us from being the best we can be. Lifting up a person is so much better than tearing them down. I have known people that really have issues and I have learned to see their potential and not their downfalls. Funny thing is they were talking about this very thing toward the end of the 2 hours of the MKE. We need to build each other up! We need to say something nice to everyone that we see in a day. The mental diet give us that awareness to go beyond ourselves and what we know and embrace others just as they are. The mental diet helps us shed the unwanted pound of criticism that we hold inside so we can help others thrive. In the scroll marked 2, that is exactly what is says. Begin this day with love in your heart! Love everyone unconditionally. That is so powerful when you are reminded 3 times a day to be that way! To love all others and to now put any expectations on others.

Another take away with this week is that the mastermind is such an important thing. When we work together as a group we can help each other to find those things we are looking for, or help us with the changes we need to make in ourselves! It people working together for a purpose, and in this specific area, helping to life others. If you would like to get a copy of the mental diet to see what I have been going thru, you can always go to the about me and I would be happy to send you a copy for free. Yes that is a challenge to you just to see what you will experience if you try to keep things positive.

Keep the end in Mind. Watch your self and be careful with what you put into your own mind, be the gatekeeper for your mind, you will see a whole new World!



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Master Key Experience 2020 Week 6 – Truth Thu, 05 Nov 2020 10:53:31 +0000

Yes, that is the whole ball of wax! We look in a mirror and try to tell us what we need to believe, and guess what. Someone tells us their opinion and we start to question ourselves! Oh my gosh, I have done this so many times. I am out working again and having a hard time figuring things out. Somehow I found the training I needed for a test on our phone software and I found it and then lost it then found it again. Well I lost it again. Now I am just trying to figure out how to use the software with out the instructions. Its difficult. The only thing I am forgetting is that it will get easier! As we grow it is so hard to see where we are headed and the truth is, we need to create that person we want to become. I found myself cursing at the dishes because I had to clean them. I started to question my tactics and realized I was making it hard on myself. There will be a point where I will never have to clean another dish, not because I don’t want to, but because I made that choice. Choices, yes we all have them and they will either make us or break us.

Going thru the mental diet has been pretty challenging but I have to admit, it is a good reminder of what awareness does for us. It helps us to see clearer! You cannot expect to change when you can’t even see what you are trying to change! I remember having a tick when I was a Freshman in High School. I would flick my head because my hair, Yes I had hair at one time, would get in my face and I started to do that with out even noticing. It drove my Mom crazy. As I started to catch myself doing the very act, I found myself taking control. Yes I got a haircut and that helped as well! My daughter Savana started to get one of these tics and yes she is a Freshman in high school. Funny part is, my wife took a video of her doing the very act and wow, that really bothered her. She is no longer doing the very thing my wife filmed and that is a good thing. Self awareness is so important! It actually can keep us from looking creepy to someone who does not know us. Even the verbiage we use can creep people out, not that anyone’s opinion should matter, but we can take control of it is the main thing. Our body language says alot about us, our eyes say alot about us, the way we treat people says so much about us.

So now that I got into the opinion ditch and am stuck there for the moment, I have to say, not having an opinion of things is so hard. With my new job, I talk to bank personnel, workers at Home Depot, workers at Family Dollar and even Walmart. At Walmart I noticed, most of the people are kids. At Family Dollar it might be a manager. They all have opinions. One of the ladys at one of the Walmart’s reminded me of my Grandmother and her sisters. Come to find out she is from Near where all of them use to live in Texas. I know more about this lady after one hour than I know about my own Grandmother! Its amazing what people will tell you when you just listen!

I think this Meme says it all. People can tell you things, but do they really apply to you and if they do, do you really want to believe it since you are becoming a whole new you?

So on the hero’s journey that I am on, the no opinion is so important because it teaches us that there are only opinions. The fact come from the work we are doing and helping ourselves to make changes, not only in us but in our lives. When we change, yes our lives change. Its no always noticeable, but rest assured it is taking us into a direction.



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Master Key Experience 2020 Week 5- learning what to let go of! Fri, 30 Oct 2020 09:50:36 +0000

I started to get hard on myself at one point, but I am starting to realize I was pushing myself with something that does not need to be pushed. have you ever tried to push a car up hill? Kind of hard huh? What if you turned the car around and went downhill? Will you have to push then? Maybe to get the car moving but it will be a whole lot easier. I am not one to toot my horn but sometimes there is a way to cheat. I not saying to cheat the system they have put together in the master keys but I am talking about using the system just the way it is and quit making it hard on us. I have a suspicion I could have done some things last year before I lost my job that could have saved me the heartship of loosing my job. What I mean by that is invested more time into the system. I am seeing this in a whole new light and it just makes sense now. I have been following my heart all my life and now its time to truly use that God given gift the Brain. Mark has such a way of making you feel like you need to step up and that is just it. I keep feeling in the wrong way! I should be excited that I found this out. That I have a system that can help me cheat life into giving me what I want. Here is the poem they gave us in the master keys. This is where I figured out I was making it harder than it has to be!

I bargained with Life for a penny, And Life would pay no more, However I begged at evening When I counted my scanty store. For Life is a just employer, He gives you what you ask, But once you have set the wages, Why, you must bear the task. I worked for a menial’s hire, Only to learn, dismayed, That any wage I had asked of Life, Life would have willingly paid.

Its not always easy to see the other side of the coin when you are going thru life and have learned so much. I am figuring out, what I am giving up is the old me where I am deciding I know what do and I need to hang onto it! No I don’t! I have been teching for 20 years and never had a direction. I just knew what I knew and it made my job really easy. Well now I am in the unknown, not sure what I need to know. I keep taking these job interviews for better paying jobs but now I see a new direction. Quit following that course. I don’t need it. I have resources that will give me new directions that I never thought possible. I have to find that path and the only way I can do that is keep myself in the new direction. Seeing a new me and getting to know him. Becoming something I always envied in others. The money manager, the business builder, the guy with the plan, the guy who always makes life better for others! Wow, another epiphany! If you are having a tough time with life, just know this. You are the one making it tough! Now I feel like Superman, just broke thru another wall. I am making room for the new me! Just keep the faith and know it can and will happen for you!



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Master Key Experience 2020 Week 4- Going the distance Sun, 25 Oct 2020 13:39:51 +0000

I could not understand the part where they tell you in your DMP you must give a sacrifice. Well let me tell you what I learned about that this week. We are all creatures of habit. Habit is the biggest thing that this program focuses on. We become our habits. It might be being repetitive on a time in our life where we won a game, or succeeded in an area in our life. The bad part about those things is they become as baggage. We have to give it up and forget where we were in order to become something new. If you will notice, in the fall, trees shed there leaves. Not one leaf or 2 or even 10. All of the Leaves. This is to renew itself in the Spring when it can grow new leaves. So it is with our habits, we need to shed every thing we are to become what we were meant to be.

So to continue on with the Garage, as I have been going thru stuff, I am just throwing things out that I can always keep, but why? It only takes up room. Now I started to apply that to everything in my life and realized that even my office is just too over loaded with Junk. My mind is riddled with this same stuff. So digging deeper this week I am shedding the old and bringing on the new. There are so many things we can keep, but why? That is the question I keep asking myself and the same reply. Dump it!

So as I have been going thru this week, I have heard on the Audio and in some of the Videos where Mark and Davene have claimed that they struggled. This was good to hear as I am struggling in this as well. So as I work on the MKE, with my DMP and cards, the struggle is increasing to some degree but I am making breakthroughs I never imagined I could. Dig in and do not let anything take this from you. Do not stop and do not give in to the old! Its time for life to change for so many. Alot of people live in their anguish, but its time to just stop. Make good choices but changing those habits! Your habbits cannot be changed by mere will as I am finding, but by a daily work that will affect your insides. Your thoughts and your will, so your outer world will change as well!

This picture is one I took on the way home working a new job and it made me realize how beautiful change can be. This is a Sunset in Wyoming after a snow storm that had this road shut down. The road was closed that morning but after the day went on, the ice melted and the road was reopened. Life has so many Beautiful things in it and all we have to do is wake our inner selves!

To a New life!


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Master Key Experience 2020 Week 3- Changing the inner me, to change the outer world Sat, 17 Oct 2020 15:14:22 +0000 As I find myself digging deeper into myself, I am finding as I am doing the work, it is really helping me to get my mind off of the current situation. It is guiding my thoughts into a new world and things are just flowing. Its funny how I am not even stressed. I am just going with the flow. A new job that should have me unnerved and yet I am just using it as a stepping stone to see where new technologies are and how people are using them. Keeping my mind free of worry and fear is helping me to keep on task and get things done at a whole new level!

I have mentioned to a few people how I just went thru the year as things happened and my new attitude helped me thru a really crazy year. After the first silent sit, I realized I have been forcing everything. As I am moving forward I am just letting things flow. I kept my eyes closed for more than 15 minutes on one of my sits and I could see my new desk with new computer and monitors along with everything neatly put away. It was such a rush. This year the MKE will be a whole new level! When you mastermind things change. I learned about masterminding with people you would want to mastermind with if they were alive or not, along time ago. I tried it without realizing what I was doing and now I can see how it helped me back then. Even though I may not have been on the right path, it was giving me experience for when I found the true path. All of these things that happened. Mark talks about doing things with enthusiasm. I learned that from Tony Robbins. His tape series talked about how he would be yelling at the top of his lungs like he was talking to the people he was about to meet with so he could be in his Zone! Well, the way Mark has you do it, it is telling your inner self to be in the zone, so be sure to do your reading with enthusiasm!

Another thing I have noticed this week is I need to figure out what I am letting go of so I can have what I desire. I am still struggling with this as I am a Blue and we are self righteous. Similar to a Red with their ego, but it is different at the same time!

With the round red, with traveling again, I am seeing so many Trucks and Trailers with multiple circular Red Lights or reflectors. Traveling thru Wyoming there is not much to see so to be able to follow a truck that has them up and down both sides of a trailer shows you can find them and they really help to link your chore. This year is not easier as I am wanting to really sink my self in and chip off the concrete. I will just keep moving forward and I will forget the way things are as I keep focused on the future!

Here is to your new life!



Picture is with my Daughter Kaydence when she was little. I just love her smiles!

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Master Key Experience 2020 Week 2- Chipping away at the Cement! Sat, 10 Oct 2020 05:57:58 +0000 Trying to make changes for 50 years.

Yes things have changed over the years but I was still living with the me that had been created by the ideas of others. If you pickup an auto biography, just remember one thing. The person did not write the book. A 3rd party came in and wrote it for the person. Do you really think someone is going to come along and give away the secrets to their success? Well that is what I use to think. I have been tested with this Master Key experience. Everything I thought to be true to create a better life, as MarkJ puts it, all Bull Crap! Its amazing what a lie our lives become if we let them. I have found I have even been lying to my self. When I was about 13 years old, I use to run everyday. It made me feel so good and kept me energetic. I use to wonder why more people didn’t just work out to stay healthy. Well, over time I found myself going the other direction. Less and less exercise. I got this great computer job at one point, well that was the end of health for me. I gained a ton of weight and got really lazy. I used excuses like, oh I am too tired, I don’t need to loose weight. Oh I can eat all I want, and the list went on. I found my self thinking every body else saw me the same way as when I was younger. I finally started to realize I was not the same person from looking in the mirror. I was up to 265lbs and Miserable. Why had I gotten so big? How did I let this happen to me. I was getting the answers to my questions and I went to a Dr. and he was worried and put me on Blood pressure medication. After 4 days of that I was done because it made me feel so weird, and I was going to find another way. I slowly took control of my eating. Found a weight loss that I wanted to try. It helped and I was on the Weight loss path. Was I working out? Nope? I thought some magical pill would help me get the weight off. Well yes I was loosing weight and putting it back on and then loosing more. It was back and forth for a while until I visited the Dr for a checkup. My blood sugar was really High. Oh crap is all I could think. My blood pressure was a lot higher than that first visit with a Dr. My Cholesterol was off the Charts. I was in bad shape. How could I let myself end up in this position? You ask yourself enough of those questions and you will get the answers you seek and your mind will just keep reminding you of how you ended up there. The MKE helps you to forget the past. It helps you focus on the present and Create a future. It helps you to get out of your thoughts and helps your mind start to work on a new direction. Its amazing how much programing we have at age 7. Even an 8 year old could use the MKE. This morning I was listening to one of the audios for the week and it was clear to me that mastery is what is it all about. When you can master the simple steps they assign you, when you are willing to sit and listen, when you are willing to give up on the old you and focus on the present, you will find your in a whole new direction. Over the summer even with the continuation I was not getting it. Well, you cannot eat all the food of your lifetime in one sitting, so what makes you think you can take all this in and get it the first time in? You just can’t. There are things about yourself that takes time to find even with all the knowledge you possess. You have to keep at it every day. You have to work on you all the time. Its a progression that has to be done! Why am I telling you this? I am not! I am telling myself. This is a self discovery course and the only way we can discover our true selves, is with consistency! Habits form us, Habits control us! We have to change our habits in every area, but it starts with being true to ourselves.

I just recently started a new job. I have started to realize I will always be a hard worker, but for the most part the job will always influence me so it is time to start a new path. The people you hand out with Dailey will always influence the way you think and also influence the life you live. I have to stay focused even on the job with Creating a new me! Paying attention to what we let in is something we should always work on. Its a daily thing. I know I have let some bad people in my life over the years and they were toxic. Even family can be that way. I am not saying kick people out of your life. Just limit the time you spend with them! Its a price we pay because we think we need them when they can be causing damage to us. I have had people who always knocked me and even that can be damaging! Pick people up and pick people who support you in your journey to live a better life. They are out there and do not believe that they are not. This program will give you a whole new group of people that can help you in all that you do.

I have to stop here for the week. I am seeing more and more each day. After today, which is the end of week 3 with the new job I found my self joking with one guy that I really need to let know I am thinking the best of him as he does an excellent job with customer service and is a really great person! Just keep up the faith and know that you are on the right track.

To a better life!


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