Something needs to be said of todays world! Too many people focused on the wrong thing! What do I mean by that? People are focusing on what they don’t want, not what they do want! You can only focus on one thing at a time.
What do you think about when you get up in the morning. Put it down on paper. What do you think about when you are at work? Write it down! What do you think about when you get home? Write it down! What does the news focus on? Write that down as well!
When you are finished writing all of this down, just take a moment and reflect! look at what you are really focused on and it may just make you see your day in a whole new light! Was it all good? Was it all bad? Was it even? The whole point of this is to find out where you are at on your thinking? Are you thinking about what you do not want or what you do not want. Does that affect your everyday and maybe even giving you a sink whole that is growing everyday?
When I was 14 years old, my parents put me thru a seminar. Did it help? Oh yes. It made me see myself and my life in a different light! It gave me a different perspective. It made me think for myself! I hate to follow the crowd. Not because it may be good but because I see too many people struggle. They just live life as if everything is just going to work. Sorry to tell you, you have to be the one to make it work! Is there a lot of work that needs to be done to do this? Depends on you. Its called self directed thinking. I always went against the crowd and I know it was because they thought it was just easier. Not really! When you learn about your own body or how to take care of your vehicle or when you learn to take care of your finances, that is when your life evens out. You get balance because you are not scrambling to fix things everyday. It changes your life and everybody’s lives around you. When they say be the light, this is exactly what they mean. If you will note, dark cannot cancel out light, but light can cancel out darkness. I hear people all the time complaining about things around then and I even found myself acting exactly like that. Another thing is when you are humbled and thankful for what you have, and you focus on the gratefulness, you find more great things in your life.
Its time to wipe out the bad and start to refocus everything on the good. Learn to be happy now with anything you do.
Peace be the Journey!
Aloha Andrew! It’s your blog rover friend, Loren, here. Clearly, most of the world remains focused on what mainstream media wants and that’s created an ocean of fear. Thank goodness for the growing number of self-directed thinkers/self-leaders able to see through the illusions! 🙂
That was a very nice blog
Andrew, good for you for refocusing on the good in your life. From your blog rover friend John.
Great post on the importance of focusing on the correct things. For what we focus our attention and thinking on grows!
Great blog!
Thanks Deb!