Getting to know you!

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In week 17 and a half, we are learning that you have to just get after the things you want in life, there is no perfect time. To go a step further you also need to protect yourself from outside influence and follow your heart! I was thinking the other day about language. I read a book about how your language can affect your everyday life, and its the fact that when we tell ourselves something over and over, it can become a self living prophesy. I can remember when I use to tell people, whatever! I realize now, that was a protection against what people would tell me. I hated for people to tell me what they knew, just because I have known for years, what you believe is what you are! I became very frustrated with this becoming successful gig. I thought I was to have money and then I would be happy. I thought that to have to marry the perfect woman then you will be happy. You have to drive a nice car to be happy! On and On and On. Well, the biggest thing I learned thru the years is, to get the perfect wife you have to become the person they would want to marry. To have money, you have to become the person who can handle finances. To be a race car driver you have to practice being a race car driver.

Now for the hard part. The biggest thing I have learned thru the MKE is that you have to love yourself, and for you to do that, you need to get to know you. Discover what you want and discover what makes you happy. Once you have that established like will take over and help you out in way you never imagined. At this point I am working on getting to know myself. The color code test is an excellent way to get to know yourself. It can help you to make the changes you need to improver everything around you because you will be able to communicate with others so much better.

I am also making strides to get my DMP where I want it. I have rewritten it so many times and at this point I have to throw it out because it still does not feel right.

Become the person that you would want yourself to be so not only can you be happy but people will see that happiness in all that you do.

Peace be the journey!


2 Replies to “Getting to know you!”

  1. I agree with John, Andrew. Definitely a prerequisite before truly loving others! The frogs are wonderful, too. Definitely worth saving, so I did. 🙂

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