Trying to make changes for 50 years.
Yes things have changed over the years but I was still living with the me that had been created by the ideas of others. If you pickup an auto biography, just remember one thing. The person did not write the book. A 3rd party came in and wrote it for the person. Do you really think someone is going to come along and give away the secrets to their success? Well that is what I use to think. I have been tested with this Master Key experience. Everything I thought to be true to create a better life, as MarkJ puts it, all Bull Crap! Its amazing what a lie our lives become if we let them. I have found I have even been lying to my self. When I was about 13 years old, I use to run everyday. It made me feel so good and kept me energetic. I use to wonder why more people didn’t just work out to stay healthy. Well, over time I found myself going the other direction. Less and less exercise. I got this great computer job at one point, well that was the end of health for me. I gained a ton of weight and got really lazy. I used excuses like, oh I am too tired, I don’t need to loose weight. Oh I can eat all I want, and the list went on. I found my self thinking every body else saw me the same way as when I was younger. I finally started to realize I was not the same person from looking in the mirror. I was up to 265lbs and Miserable. Why had I gotten so big? How did I let this happen to me. I was getting the answers to my questions and I went to a Dr. and he was worried and put me on Blood pressure medication. After 4 days of that I was done because it made me feel so weird, and I was going to find another way. I slowly took control of my eating. Found a weight loss that I wanted to try. It helped and I was on the Weight loss path. Was I working out? Nope? I thought some magical pill would help me get the weight off. Well yes I was loosing weight and putting it back on and then loosing more. It was back and forth for a while until I visited the Dr for a checkup. My blood sugar was really High. Oh crap is all I could think. My blood pressure was a lot higher than that first visit with a Dr. My Cholesterol was off the Charts. I was in bad shape. How could I let myself end up in this position? You ask yourself enough of those questions and you will get the answers you seek and your mind will just keep reminding you of how you ended up there. The MKE helps you to forget the past. It helps you focus on the present and Create a future. It helps you to get out of your thoughts and helps your mind start to work on a new direction. Its amazing how much programing we have at age 7. Even an 8 year old could use the MKE. This morning I was listening to one of the audios for the week and it was clear to me that mastery is what is it all about. When you can master the simple steps they assign you, when you are willing to sit and listen, when you are willing to give up on the old you and focus on the present, you will find your in a whole new direction. Over the summer even with the continuation I was not getting it. Well, you cannot eat all the food of your lifetime in one sitting, so what makes you think you can take all this in and get it the first time in? You just can’t. There are things about yourself that takes time to find even with all the knowledge you possess. You have to keep at it every day. You have to work on you all the time. Its a progression that has to be done! Why am I telling you this? I am not! I am telling myself. This is a self discovery course and the only way we can discover our true selves, is with consistency! Habits form us, Habits control us! We have to change our habits in every area, but it starts with being true to ourselves.
I just recently started a new job. I have started to realize I will always be a hard worker, but for the most part the job will always influence me so it is time to start a new path. The people you hand out with Dailey will always influence the way you think and also influence the life you live. I have to stay focused even on the job with Creating a new me! Paying attention to what we let in is something we should always work on. Its a daily thing. I know I have let some bad people in my life over the years and they were toxic. Even family can be that way. I am not saying kick people out of your life. Just limit the time you spend with them! Its a price we pay because we think we need them when they can be causing damage to us. I have had people who always knocked me and even that can be damaging! Pick people up and pick people who support you in your journey to live a better life. They are out there and do not believe that they are not. This program will give you a whole new group of people that can help you in all that you do.
I have to stop here for the week. I am seeing more and more each day. After today, which is the end of week 3 with the new job I found my self joking with one guy that I really need to let know I am thinking the best of him as he does an excellent job with customer service and is a really great person! Just keep up the faith and know that you are on the right track.
To a better life!
I like that Andrew – so cheers to a better life – we usthe all!
good job of self awareness and good luck to you on your path of self discovery
I can hear you chipping from way over here, Andrew; and I can tell you for certain I am not very near. 🙂