Master Key Experience 2020 Week 6 – Truth

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Yes, that is the whole ball of wax! We look in a mirror and try to tell us what we need to believe, and guess what. Someone tells us their opinion and we start to question ourselves! Oh my gosh, I have done this so many times. I am out working again and having a hard time figuring things out. Somehow I found the training I needed for a test on our phone software and I found it and then lost it then found it again. Well I lost it again. Now I am just trying to figure out how to use the software with out the instructions. Its difficult. The only thing I am forgetting is that it will get easier! As we grow it is so hard to see where we are headed and the truth is, we need to create that person we want to become. I found myself cursing at the dishes because I had to clean them. I started to question my tactics and realized I was making it hard on myself. There will be a point where I will never have to clean another dish, not because I don’t want to, but because I made that choice. Choices, yes we all have them and they will either make us or break us.

Going thru the mental diet has been pretty challenging but I have to admit, it is a good reminder of what awareness does for us. It helps us to see clearer! You cannot expect to change when you can’t even see what you are trying to change! I remember having a tick when I was a Freshman in High School. I would flick my head because my hair, Yes I had hair at one time, would get in my face and I started to do that with out even noticing. It drove my Mom crazy. As I started to catch myself doing the very act, I found myself taking control. Yes I got a haircut and that helped as well! My daughter Savana started to get one of these tics and yes she is a Freshman in high school. Funny part is, my wife took a video of her doing the very act and wow, that really bothered her. She is no longer doing the very thing my wife filmed and that is a good thing. Self awareness is so important! It actually can keep us from looking creepy to someone who does not know us. Even the verbiage we use can creep people out, not that anyone’s opinion should matter, but we can take control of it is the main thing. Our body language says alot about us, our eyes say alot about us, the way we treat people says so much about us.

So now that I got into the opinion ditch and am stuck there for the moment, I have to say, not having an opinion of things is so hard. With my new job, I talk to bank personnel, workers at Home Depot, workers at Family Dollar and even Walmart. At Walmart I noticed, most of the people are kids. At Family Dollar it might be a manager. They all have opinions. One of the ladys at one of the Walmart’s reminded me of my Grandmother and her sisters. Come to find out she is from Near where all of them use to live in Texas. I know more about this lady after one hour than I know about my own Grandmother! Its amazing what people will tell you when you just listen!

I think this Meme says it all. People can tell you things, but do they really apply to you and if they do, do you really want to believe it since you are becoming a whole new you?

So on the hero’s journey that I am on, the no opinion is so important because it teaches us that there are only opinions. The fact come from the work we are doing and helping ourselves to make changes, not only in us but in our lives. When we change, yes our lives change. Its no always noticeable, but rest assured it is taking us into a direction.



2 Replies to “Master Key Experience 2020 Week 6 – Truth”

  1. Hi, Andrew! Wayne Dyer says, “when we change the way we look at things, the things we look at, change.” Just a thought to add to your well-written blog post! 🙂

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